3 Fundraisers in 12 Days!

3 Fundraisers in 12 Days!

Several incredible fundraisers earlier this month helped support Tony Foundation:

Shannon & Morgan, owners of Schmitz & Smith

Schmitz & Smith Group – On March 1st, Austin Portfolio Real Estate held their annual fashion show, and TF was honored to be the benefiting charity! It was a great afternoon of style at Vuka with sponsors including Finger Pulse Media, Skin Savvy and the Chandra Carthrae Team.



March 5-6 was Amplify Austin, and Mockingbird Saloon hosted a live Amplify party for us! It was a great time with raffle prizes, games and a lot of fun.

Owner of Mockingbird Saloon pieing Scott in the face for a good cause.
Having fun at Mockingbird Saloon





March 12th, Social Quencher and Rustic Tap hosted their Officially Unofficial Music Showcase, with a lineup of awesome bands thrilling the crowd while a portion of proceeds went toward Tony Foundation helping more families.

Great friends arriving early for the event.


Tortuga Shades putting on a great show


Tony and Virginia, lead singer of Happy Hollow Band
Good friends enjoying the concert









To top it all off, an anonymous Angel Donor provided matching funds for our fundraising efforts during this time, helping us raise over $30,000 during those couple weeks!! Thank you so much for all of the support.

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